K.B. Mirbahar, R.B. Mirbahar, Nasreen Akhter,
W.N. McDonell1 and P. Eyre2
Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan;1Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada;2Dean, Virginia Maryland, College of Veterinary
Medicine, Blacksburg, USA
The efficacy of atropine to attenuate Ascaris
suum induced bronchospasm was studied in 6 conscious standing horses. Animals
were challenged with saline and a 10-2 dilution of A. suum aerosolized for 3
minutes. Pulmonary function tests (PFT) were performed at 15, 30 and 60 minutes
after antigen challenge. Pulmonary mechanics and ventilation values were
measured using a differential pressure transducer and a Fleisch Pnemotachograph.
One week later, animals were treated with atropine sulfate (6.0 mg administered
IM) and rechallenged with saline followed by same dose of A. suum. Clinical
signs noted after the inhalation of A suum alone included hyperpnea, dyspnea,
sweating and salivation. The effect of antigen was rapid in onset starting
during the inhalation and lasting for over 60 minutes. The PFT revealed
significant (P<0.05) increases in Wb, max.
r Ppl RL, V1, f, and VT
whereas the Cdyn decreased (P<0.05). The changes were more severe in
lower airways. Atropine abolished the clinical signs. Comparison of post
atropine saline and A. suum challenge values revealed significant increase in Wb,
max. r Ppl
at 15 minutes post antigen challenge. Changes in RL, f and Cdyn
were abolished. Comparison of responses to A. suum in the presence and absence
of atropine revealed a significant (P<0.05) inhibition of changes in max. Ppl,
Wb, inspiratory and expiratory RL, VI, f and
flow. The study suggested that the A. suum induced bronchospasm in the horses is
mediated, at least in part by vagal reflexes.