Animal Nutrition Programme. Animal Sciences Institute, National Agricultural
Research Centre, Park Road. Islamabad, Pakistan
Eight young male buffalo calves of Nili-Ravi breed, randomly divided into two
groups A and B (4 animals in each) with a mean initial body weight of 115.3 ±
12.4 and 117.0 ± 7.3 kg respectively, were used for this study. Three is
nitrogenous and is energetic completely mixed rations based on untreated (UWSR),
urea-treated (Ur- TWSR) and ammonium bicarbonate treated (Am- TWSR) wheat straw,
were prepared. Treatment of chopped wheat straw in mud houses with either urea
or ammonium bicarbonate increased its crude protein content tom 3.2 (untreated)
to 8.7 and 9.5% (for treated) respectively. The feeding trials were conducted in
the 2 phases. During the Fist phase, the animals were fed Ur- TWSR and Am- TWSR
for a period of 63 days. In the 2nd phase UWSR and Ur- TWSR were compared for a
period of 76 days. At the end of each experimental phase a digestion trial was
conducted. The results indicated that the animals fed Ur- TWSR showed the best
average daily live weight gain (0.72 kg) as compared to both the UWSR (0.59 kg)
and Am- TWSR (0.41 kg). The performance of the animals on Am- TWSR was the
poorest. No significant differences were observed in the average daily teed
intake of animals fed UWSR and Ur- TWSR. The animals fed Am- TWSR consumed;
significantly (P <0.05) less feed as compared to UWSR and Ur- TWSR. The best
feed conversion ratio was observed for the Ur- TWSR. The apparent digestibility
coefficients for dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre and ether extract
measured by total collection method indicated that Ur- TWSR was significantly
(P<0.05) better digestible as compared to other rations. The cost per kg live
weight gain in animals fed Ur- TWSR was significantly (P <0.05) less as compared
to other rations. It is concluded that buffalo calves can efficiently and.
economically be raised on completely mixed urea treated wheat straw based
Key words:
Wheat straw, treatment, urea, ammonium bicarbonate, completely mixed rations,
feeding, digestibility, buffalo calves