Scrotal Hydrocele in a Dog with Dirofilaria Infestation and
Cholangiocellular Carcinoma
D. H. Yu§, Y. S. Roh§, H. Park, G. H. Woo1,
S. Ejaz2, K. Lee, C. W. Lim, J. Park and B. Kim*
Biosafety Research Institute and College of Veterinary Medicine,
Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, 561-756, South Korea; 1Department of
Clinical Laboratory Science, Semyung University, Jecheon, 390-711,
South Korea; 2Department
of Clinical Neurosciences, R3 Stroke Unit, Addenbrookes Hospital,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ, UK. *Corresponding
A four-year-old male Saint Bernard dog with a scrotal hydrocele was referred
with a history of scrotal swelling and emaciation. Physical and hematological
evaluation revealed dirofilaria infestation and liver function abnormalities.
Ultrasonography showed fluid collection in each peritesticular area and in the
peritoneal cavity. The dog survived only 10 days after the initial presentation.
At necropsy, umbilicated nodular masses in the liver, hemorrhagic ascites, heart
dirofilariasis, and accumulated transudate in the scrotum were observed.
Histopathologic and immunofluorescence examination revealed
in the liver, indicating the cause of liver failure and ascites accumulation.
Severe edema was seen in the mediastinal connective tissue of spermatic cord and
heartworm DNA from the spermatic cord tissue was detected by polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) analysis. In the present case, it was suspected that the acquired
hydrocele might have been caused by ectopic migration of filarial worms or by
severe hypoproteinemia induced by liver failure.