A Fatal Case of Acute Steroid Responsive
Meningitis Arteritis in a Dog
Kwiatkowska Miłosława*, Andrzej Pomianowski and
Zbigniew Adamiak1
Internal Medicine Department; 1Surgery
and Roentgenology Department, Warmia and
MazuryUniversity in Olsztyn, Poland;
*Corresponding author:
It is a case report concerning 9 years old female
boxer was evaluated for progressive tetraparesis, cranial nerve deficits,
lethargy and stupor. Serum biochemistry revealed elevated liver enzymes alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) 379 u/l, asparaginian aminotransferase (AST) 55 u/l,
alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 685 u/l and creatinine kinase (CK) 511 u/l, and
elevated acute phase proteins C-reactive protein (CRP) 70 mg/ml. The
cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed a mixed pleocytosis, protein content
elevation (315 mg/dl) and positive Pandy reaction.Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in CSF was elevated (357 µg/ml), CRP was
characteristic for a presentation period of disease (70 mg/ml).MRI examination revealed multifocal, diffused lesions in grey matter of
frontal, occipital lobes. The white matter lesions were detected in cranial
fossa region, thalamus, medulla oblongata and pons.The lesions were enhanced after contrast administration. Ventricular
system was compressed; sediment was present in both of them. The biochemistry
CSF results and MRI image were characteristic for steroid responsive meningitis
arteritis (SRMA).