Comparison between Two Cecostomy Techniques for
Treatment of Atresia Coli in Cattle and Buffalo Calves
Mohamad Abdelfattah Abdelrhman, Aiman Mahmoud Seddek*1 and
Hossam Ahmad Bakr2
Department ofVeterinary Surgery, Anaesthesiaand Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef
University; 1Department ofVeterinary Surgery, Anaesthesiaand Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sohag
University; 2Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef , Egypt
The study aimed at
determination of the cecostomy technique that will preserve the long-term
maximal diameter of the created fistula. The subjects of the study were 79 newly
born cattle and buffalo calves suffered from atresia coli, recti and ani. The
calves were grouped into four groups for evaluation of incisional and herniation
cecostomy techniques either on the right or left flank. With each technique, 4
cm diameter permanent fistula was created and evaluated at the 1stweek,
and 1st, 4th and 8th months post-surgery. Both
of the short and long-term complications were recorded and managed
conservatively. Follow up could be achieved for 45 calves only and all of them
showed stunted growth. The results revealed wider stoma in the calves operated
by herniation technique, and in those operated on the right flank, moreover the
operated cattle calves had wider stoma than buffalo calves. It is concluded that
the right flank herniation technique has a beneficial effect on long-term
preserving of a wider diameter of the created fistula.