Malignant Sertoli Cell Tumor with Abdominal
Infiltrative Metastasis in a Dog
JLC Castro, VGP Albernaz*, CMT Domingues, AA
Ferreira, G Dittrich, CBS Moratelli, FV Freitag and LC Miara
Animal Hospital Unit, School of Agricultural Science and Veterinary
Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, São José dos
Pinhais, Brazil *Corresponding author:
A 14-year-old, intact male, mixed breed dog
presented with history of testicular asymmetry and increase in left testicular
volume. Although thoracic radiography showed no signs of metastasis, abdominal
ultrasonographic examination revealed a large neoplastic structure whose origin
could not be determined. On exploratory celiotomy, besides the identification of
a large infiltrative mass adhered to external iliac arteries of both sides,
there was lymph nodes enlargement. Orchiectomy with scrotal ablation was
performed and the mass excised. The testicles and abdominal mass were further
evaluated by histopathologic examination. Both samples consisted of neoplastic
Sertoli cells with high mitotic rate and marked pleomorphism. After surgery, the
animal developed vomition, anorexia, polydipsia and hematochezia. Fourteen days
after surgery, the animal was discharged from the hospital. Sertoli cell tumor
(SCT) exhibit low metastatic rate. Metastasis occurs mostly from intra-abdominal
SCT. We report an extra-abdominal, intra-scrotal malignant SCT with large
infiltrative abdominal metastasis.