Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of B2L Gene
of ORF Virus from Clinical
Cases of Sheep in Serbia
Milovan Milovanović1*, Vesna Milićević2,
Miroslav Valčić1, Nataša Stević1, Jakov
Nišavić3 and Sonja Radojičić1
1Department of Infectious Disease of Animals and Disease
of Bees, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Blvd. Oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia;
2Virology Department, Institute of Veterinary Medicine of
Serbia, Vojvoda Toze 14, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; 3Department
of Microbiology, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Blvd. Oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia;
*Corresponding author:
Infection of sheep by
the ORF virus (ORFV) is very common in Serbia. ORFV is an economically important
viral disease, distributed worldwide. Phylogenetic analysis based on the B2L
gene of Serbian ORFV strains from two outbreaks that occurred in Serbia in 2016
is presented in this paper. Crust formation around the lips, nostrils, and udder
was noted in all animals from the first outbreak, whilst in the second outbreak,
all animals showed swollen and cyanotic lips and muzzle, with no visible crusts.
Virus isolation was conducted using Vero cells. Cytopathic effects were evident
on the third passage. However, all examined samples were positive using PCR.
Phylogenetic analysis of the partial gene sequences (terminal gene regions were
not included) encoding B2L gene of Serbian ORFV isolates showed 97.33-100.00%
nucleotide and 92.86-100.00% amino acid similarity between each other. However,
the viruses were divided into two clusters within the previously recognized
Group 2, together with viruses from Croatia, Greece, Finland, China, South Korea
and North America. This study is the first report of phylogenetic analysis of
ORFV from Serbia and contributes to the data available in the GenBank database.
The results of our investigation showed genetic
diversity between ORFV strains in Serbia.
To Cite This Article:
Milovanović M, Milićević V, Valčić M, Stević N,
Nišavić J and Radojičić S, 2019. Detection and phylogenetic analysis of B2L gene
of ORF virus from clinical cases of
sheep in Serbia. Pak Vet J, 39(3): 433-437.