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Determining the Effect of Different Combinations of NSAIDs on Hemato-Immunological Parameters and the Association with Heat Shock Protein-70 in Broilers
Iram Hina1*, Muhammad Tariq Javed1*, Muhammad Kashif Saleemi1 and Mashkoor Mohsin Gilani2

1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan; 2Institute of Microbiology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
*Corresponding author:


The use of NSAIDs in stress conditions, like summer heat stress, winter cold stress, vaccination and drug intake stress may help to prevent or minimize the disease outbreaks in poultry birds. This study was planned to investigate the effects caused by short term and prolonged use of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), acetaminophen (APAP) and ibuprofen with different combinations in broilers and their association with heat shock protein 70, i.e., to determine the safe level of NSAID’s use in poultry. For this purpose, total 200 day-old broiler chicks were procured and performed study having 42 days. The broilers were equally disseminated at 10th day into A-D groups, where group A act as control negative. The B, C and D groups were divided into different subgroups. In current experiment, using completely randomized design three levels in different combinations with different doses of NSAIDs were given orally in drinking water from day 10 to 32 of age of birds. The NSAIDs had no effect on hematological parameters while, immunological parameters showed significant results according to dose manner of NSAIDs especially in treatment groups (APAP @160 mg/L, ASA @1200 mg/L), (APAP @90mg/L, ibuprofen @60 mg/L) and (APAP @160 mg/L, ibuprofen @120 mg/L) as compared to control negative. The gene expression of HSP-70 in treated groups (ASA @600 mg/L, ibuprofen @60 mg/L), (ASA @1200 mg/L, ibuprofen @120 mg/L), (APAP @ 30mg/L, ASA @300 mg/L), (APAP @ 90mg/L, ASA @600 mg/L), (APAP @ 160mg/L, ASA @1200 mg/L) and (APAP @160mg/L, ibuprofen @120mg/L) had significant results as compared to control negative group. The study presented that low and medium doses of NSAIDs could be used as possible substitute for antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs for poultry. The toxicity due to excess dose of APAP in different combinations was also observed.

To Cite This Article: Hina I, Javed MT, Saleemi MK, Gilani MM, 2024. Determining the effect of different combinations of nsaids on hemato-immunological parameters and the association with heat shock protein-70 in broilers. Pak Vet J, 44(4): 1209-1214.


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ISSN 2074-7764 (Online)

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