Clinical Approach and Treatment Strategies for Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome in Cats and Dogs: A Review
İsa ÖZAYDIN1 and Ekin Emre ERKILIÇ2*
University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Surgery,
36100 Kars, Türkiye; 2Kafkas University, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, 36100 Kars,
*Corresponding author:
Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS), which develops due to intra-abdominal
hypertension, is a serious condition characterized by organ dysfunction and
potential failure. In cats and dogs, this syndrome can occur due to various
underlying causes such as trauma, gastrointestinal obstruction, or pancreatitis.
The aim of this review article was to provide fundamental information on the
pathogenesis, early diagnosis, and effective management of ACS in cats and dogs.
Diagnosis of Abdominal compartment syndrome may involve a combination of
clinical assessment, laboratory tests, and imaging techniques such as
ultrasound. Treatment strategies for ACS generally focus on reducing
intra-abdominal pressure and providing supportive care, while surgical
intervention is preferred in severe cases. The prognosis depends on factors such
as the type of underlying cause, the severity of organ dysfunction, and the
importance of timely intervention. Ultimately, veterinary clinicians need to
focus on gaining a better understanding of the pathophysiology of this syndrom
in cats and dogs, and evaluating effective diagnostic and treatment approaches.
This can lead to better outcomes for affected patients.
To Cite This Article: Özaydın I and Erkılıç EE, 2024. Clinical approach and
treatment strategies for abdominal
compartment syndrome in cats and dogs: a review. Pak Vet J, 44(4): 968-977.