G. Muhammad, M. Saqib, M. Athar, M.Z. Khan and
M.N. Asi
Faculty of Veterinaty Science, University of AgricultureFaisalabad, 38040-Pakistan
One hundred and twelve clinical cases of tropical
bovine theileriosis occurring in Faisalabad between March 1993 and
Septeniber 1998 were analysed for frequency distribution of clinical signs
(alone and in some combinations) and epidemiological features. In addition,
response to buparvaquone and oxytetracycline was evaluated in 72 cases.
Clinical signs exhibited included fever (105.63 ± 0.11°F; n = 112), uni- or
bilateral pronounced swelling of prescapular (n = 99), parotid (n = 54),
prefernoral lymph nodes (n = 58), upward visible bulge of temporal fossa (n
44), bull-calf appearance of female calves (n = 36), protrusion of
haemorrhagic conjunctiva with exophthalmos (n 16), subcutaneous and
intramuscular swellings (n = 11), pasty or bloody diarrhoea (n = 38),
tachypnoea, dyspnoea and pneumonia (n = 10), convulsions, torticollis and
other nervous signs (n = 4), haemoglobinuria (n = 2), anaemia (n = 48),
inappetence (n = 102), and total refusal to suckle or eat (n = 10). Since
100 per cent of the animals exhibited fever together with uni or bilateral
swellings Of prescapular/parotid or pre-femoral lymph nodes, it is suggested
that this combination of signs may be used as a surrogate indicator of
theileriosis in field diagnosis where laboratory facilities are lacking.
Cross-bred calves aged between 15—21 days accounted for 42 per cent of the
total cases although, animals (n = 5) aged as young as upto 7 days and as
old as 5 years (n = 2) were also affected. In general, from February onward,
the frequency of the disease steadily increased, peaked in June (n = 20) and
then steadily declined upto November (n = 3). No case occurred in the months
of December and January. The disease was strongly associated with the
presence of ticks on the body of the affected animals (n = 99), albiet ticks
were absent in 13 affected calves. Sixty seven (93%) of 72 animals treated
with buparvaquone (@2.5 mg/kg b.wt.) and oxytetracycline (@ 10 mg/kg b.wt.)