Department of Pathology, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences,
Lahore, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author:
Peracute infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) was diagnosed in two young male dogs
out of 56 dead canines presented for necropsy examination during the period of
April 2009 to June 2010. These dogs were purebred, one- month old Alsatian and
5-month old Labrador. None of the dogs had received any vaccination or deworming
treatment; both had died after illness lasting for six hours and twenty four
hours respectively. The dogs had shown signs of depression, anorexia and fever.
At necropsy, lymph nodes were swollen, edematous and congested; livers were
enlarged, bright red and mottled with numerous small white foci. Petechial
hemorrhages were seen in the mucosa. Excessive serosanguinous fluid was present
in the abdominal cavities. Histologically, the most significant lesion was
necrohemorrhagic hepatitis with single cell necrosis of hepatocytes, lacunose
dilation of sinusoids filled with blood and numerous large, solid intranuclear
inclusion bodies (IIBs) in the hepatocytes and macrophages. Both eosinophilic
and basophilic (amphophilic) inclusions were seen. It has been observed that ICH
is re-emerging in some endemic countries. Pet dogs should be regularly protected
by effective vaccination.