Estimates of Genetic Parameters of Production Traits for Khuzestan
Buffaloesof Iran using Repeated-Records Animal Model
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of
Agriculture, Islamic AzadUniversity,
Shoushtar Branch, Iran Corresponding
Buffalo milk yield records were obtained from monthly milk
recorded by the Animal Breeding Organization of Iran from 1992 to 2009 in 33
herds raised in the Khuzestan province.Variance components, heritability
and repeatability were estimated for milk yield, fat yield, fat percentage,
protein yield and protein percentage traits. These estimates were carried out through single trait
animal model using DFREML program. Herd-year-season considered as fixed effect
in the model. For milk production traits, age at calving fitted as a covariate.
The additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were also included in
the model. The mean and standard deviation for milk yield, fat yield, fat
percentage, protein yield and protein percentage were 2285.08±762.47 (kg),
144.35±54.86 (kg), 6.25±0.90 (%), 97.30±26.73 (kg) and 4.19±0.27 (%),
respectively. The heritability and standard errors of milk yield, fat yield, fat
percentage, protein yield and protein percentage were 0.093±0.08, 0.054±0.06,
0.043±0.05, 0.093±0.16 and zero, respectively. These estimates for repeatability
were 0.272, 0.132, 0.043, 0.674 and 0.0002, for milk yield, fat yield, fat
percentage, protein yield, protein percentage, respectively. Lower values of
genetic parameter estimates require more data and reliable pedigree records.