previous page   Pak Vet J, 2014, 34(1): 143-145   next page
Diagnostic Exercise: Gastroenteritis and Pneumonia Due to Mesocestoides spp. and Toxascaris leonina in a Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)
Yavuz Selim Sağlam1*, Ertan Oruç1, Hamza Avcıoğlu2 and Serdar Altun1
1Department of Pathology; 2Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ataturk, Erzurum, Turkey. *Corresponding author:


Pathological and parasitological findings of a parasitic gastroenteritis due to Mesocestoides spp. and Toxascaris leonina in a two-year-old lynx (Lynx lynx) was identified. The lynx was injured due to an accident in the forest in İspir-Erzurum, Turkey. At necropsy, there was erosive and hemorrhagic tissue loss on different regions of the head, especially on the nose. Numerous parasites were found in the stomach and intestine. At histopathological examination, along with necrotic debris and gastric contents in the luminal surface of the stomach, various parasitic forms were identified. Similar parasitic forms were observed in the intestine. Fecal examination revealed Toxascaris leonina eggs. It was concluded that parasitic gastroenteritis and pneumonia due to Mesocestoides spp. and Toxascaris leonina were the causes of death in a wild lynx and this is the first reported from Turkey according to the current literature.

Key words: Gastroenteritis, Lynx lynx, Mesocestoides spp., Pathology, Toxascaris leonina


ISSN 0253-8318 (Print)
ISSN 2074-7764 (Online)
