Rectal Tear with
Hematoma after Accidental Breeding as a Cause of Peritonitis and
Recurrent Colic in a Mare
M Gómez-Díez*, A Muñoz,
F Castejón, R Santisteban, R Vivo and C Riber
Equine Sport Medicine
Centre, CEMEDE, Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery, School of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Córdoba, Spain; *Corresponding author:
Rectal tears are
relatively common in horses after rectal examinations for diagnosis of
gastrointestinal disorders or reproduction. We present the case of a mare that
was freely bred and started with colic 8 hrs later. A rectal tear was produced
by accidental rectal penetration of the stallion penis with a secondary septic
peritonitis. Conservative medical treatment was made. Four days after the
accident, the mare presented repetitive colic episodes that were associated with
a huge hematoma that almost close the rectum lumen and caused feces retention.
Key words: Hematoma,
Peritonitis, Rectal tear