Reactivity Induced by Inactivated Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
Vaccination and Its Related Factors in Holstein Calves Following A
Modified Live Vaccine Schedule
of Animal Resource Development, National Institute of Animal
Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan 31000, Korea;
2Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, College of
Veterinary Medicine, Jeonbuk National University, Iksan 54596,
Republic of Korea; 3Latoratory of Veterinary Pathology
and Biosafety Research Institute, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Jeonbuk National University, Iksan 54596, Republic of Korea
*Corresponding author:
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a critical respiratory disease
affecting calves worldwide; however, the optimal schedule for inactivated IBR
vaccination remains unknown. This study investigated the reactivity induced by
inactivated IBR vaccine and its related factors in Holstein calves following a
modified live vaccine schedule. IBR reactivity in 94 calves was investigated.
Calves were classified based on changes in IBR reactivity from pre-vaccination
to 8 weeks post-vaccination. Factors associated with changes in IBR reactivity
were evaluated. IBR reactivity levels decreased in 62.8% calves despite
vaccination, whereas those of calves with low pre-vaccination IBR reactivity
levels increased. Analysis of IBR reactivity according to birth weight revealed
that calves born overweight had high IBR reactivity levels pre-vaccination, and
vaccination failed to increase reactivity levels in 88.2% of these calves.
Improvement in IBR reactivity was not necessarily associated with
pre-vaccination IBR reactivity levels. The >20% decrease classifications showed
lower IBR reactivity at pre-vaccination than the <20% decrease classifications.
The classifications that showed better improvement in IBR reactivity had higher
monocyte, monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio, lactate dehydrogenase, and creatine
kinase values at pre-vaccination. These results indicate that the schedule for
inactivated IBR vaccination is ineffective in calves, birth weight may be
related to passive immunity in IBR reactivity, and inactivated IBR
vaccine-induced reactivity may be associated with the identified four blood
parameters and passive immunity. Subsequent investigations are necessary to
establish an appropriate timetable for inactivated IBR vaccination and uncover
mechanisms underlying the relationship between the four blood parameters and
inactivated IBR vaccination.
To Cite This Article: Ha S, Kang S, Jung M, Park J, Hwang S, Lee J, Kim D,
Jung J and Oh SI, 2024. Reactivity induced by inactivated infectious bovine
rhinotracheitis vaccination and its related factors in holstein calves following
a modified live vaccine schedule. Pak Vet J,
44(4): 1177-1184.