Molecular Characterization of Insect-Borne (Mosquito-Sandfly)
Parasitic Pathogens of Dogs in Selected Regions of Northeast
Anatolia, Türkiye
Nilgun Aydin1*, Neslihan Olmez1, Baris Sari1,
Zati Vatansever1, Gencay Taskin Tasci1,
Semistan Kiziltepe2 and Mesut Yigit1
University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of
Parasitology, TR-36100 Kars – Türkiye.2Iğdır University,
Tuzluca Vocational School, Medical Services and Techniques
Department, TR-76100 Iğdır- Türkiye
*Corresponding author:
Canine and human health are at significant risk from insect-borne (sandfly and
mosquito) zoonotic diseases such as leishmaniasis, dirofilariasis, and
acanthocheilonemiasis. The objective of this study was to utilize PCR and
sequencing on 500 asymptomatic canines in the provinces of Kars, Ardahan, and
Iğdır in the Northeast Anatolia Region of Türkiye to examine the prevalence and
molecular characterization of Dirofilaria
spp., Acanthocheilonema (A.) reconditum,
and Leishmania spp. Examination of
dog blood samples from randomly selected focal areas was undertaken using the
conventional PCR method. The molecular prevalence of these parasitic pathogens
and the correlation between sex, age, breed and habitat of dogs were ascertained
by employing the Pearson Chi-Square Test. The overall prevalence of D. immitis was 5% (25/500), while the
PCR detected DNAs in dogs in Kars, Ardahan, and Iğdır at 6.08% (CI: 3.53-9.73),
4.03% (CI: 1.55-8.61), and 4.10% (CI: 1.73-8.27), respectively. Portions of the
target genes amplified from positive samples were sequenced to confirm the PCR
The outcomes were aligned with additional sequences in the NCBI database using
BLAST search. Using the Bayesian Inference method with 2 million generations
(MCMC criteria: 50,000 burn-in-length), phylogenetic trees were reconstructed
using MrBayes v3.2.6.
this study did not detect Leishmania
spp., D. repens and A. reconditum DNAs. Knowing the
existence and prevalence of insect-borne
pathogens in dogs is most important and necessary for establishing a treatment
protocol and determining protection and control measures.
To Cite This Article:
Aydin N, Olmez N, Sari B, Vatansever Z, Tasci GT, Kiziltepe S and Yigit M,
2025. Molecular Characterization of Insect-Borne (Mosquito-Sandfly)
Parasitic Pathogens of Dogs in Selected Regions of Northeast Anatolia,
Türkiye. Pak Vet J.