Effects of Seasonal Variation in Different Reproductive Phases on
the Cellular Response of
Bursa and Testes in Japanese Quails
(Coturnix japonica)
Zeeshan Akbar, Anas Sarwar Qureshi* and Sajjad-ur-Rahman1
Department of Anatomy, 1Institute of Microbiology,
Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad, Pakistan *Corresponding Author: anas-sarwar@hotmail.com
In this study
effects of seasonal variation on the cellular response of bursa and testes in
Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica)
have been studied.Thirty mature
male Japanese quails, ten birds in each reproductive phase, namely reproductive
active phase (June, July), regressive phase (September, October) and non active
phase (January, February) were sacrificed. Blood samples were taken and total
leukocyte and lymphocyte count were performed. The serum was separated and serum
testosterone levels were measured. The testes and bursa of Fabricius from each
bird were collected and the macroscopic and microscopic dimensions of testes and
bursa of Fabricius were measured. Sections were therefore cut at 5-7 μm and
stained by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Automated computer software Image J®
was used for histometric analysis.
The results revealed that morphometrical parameters such as the length,
circumference, thickness, and width of the testis showed a variable pattern in
different seasonal phases e.g. in the active phase they were significantly
(P<0.01) larger and decreased at
regular pattern in the regressive and the non active phase. In contrast the
immune parameters were significantly
(P<0.01) at higher levels during the non active phase and the regressive
phase and decreased at regular pattern in the active phase. The serum
testosterone levels were also high during the active phase and decreased at
regular pattern in the regressive and the non active phase. The histometric
analysis revealed similar results such as diameters of seminiferous tubules
showing a significant (P<0.01)
rise during the active phase as compared with the regressive and the non active
phase, and a significant declined was record during the regressive and the non
active phase. In conclusion, the
increased reproductive activity in Japanese quails coincided with enhanced
steroid hormone production during summer which suppressed the immune response.
Moreover, during the winter decreased gonadal activity resulted in
elevated immune function that helped to combat the harsh environment.
Key words:
Bursa of Fabricius, Japanese quails, Serum testosterone,
Total leukocyte count,
Lymphocyte count