C Vissio1*, SA Dieser2, CG
Raspanti2, JA Giraudo1, CI Bogni2,
LM Odierno2 and AJ Larriestra1
1Departamento de Patología Animal, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria,
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Ruta 36 km 601 Código Postal X5804BYA, Río
Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina; 2Departamento de
Microbiología e Inmunología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas,
Físico-Química y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Ruta 36 km 601 Código Postal X5804BYA, Río
Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina *Corresponding author: cvissio@ayv.unrc.edu.ar
This research has been conducted to characterize
dairy farm clusters according to mastitis control program practiced among small
and medium dairy producer from
Argentina, and also to evaluate the effect of
such farm cluster patterns on bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC). Two samples of 51
(cross-sectional) and 38 (longitudinal) herds were selected to identify farm
clusters and study the influence of management on monthly BMSCC, respectively. The cross-sectional sample involved the milking routine
and facilities assessment of each herd visited. Hierarchical cluster analysis
was used to find the most discriminating farm attributes in the cross sectional
sample. Afterward, the herd cluster typologies were identified in the
longitudinal sample. Herd monthly BMSCC average was evaluated during 12 months
fitting a linear mixed model. Two clusters were identified, the farms in the
Cluster I applied a comprehensive mastitis program in opposite to Cluster II.
Post-dipping, dry cow therapy and milking machine test were routinely applied in
Cluster I. In the longitudinal study, 14 out of 38 dairy herds were labeled as
Cluster I and the rest were assigned to Cluster II. Significant difference in
BMSCC was found between cluster I and II (60,000 cells/mL). The present study
showed the relevance and potential impact of promoting mastitis control
practices among small and medium sized dairy producers in Argentina.