Balloon Dilation and Bougienage of a Urethral Stricture in a Cat
Yongwon Shin, Dai-Jung Chung, A-JinLee, Hyunwook
Myung, Jaiho Shin, Kihoon Kim, Young-Uk Chung, Taikyung Kim, Saejong
Yoo and Hwi-Yool Kim*
Department of
Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk
University, Seoul, 143-701, South Korea;
A 3-year-old male cat was referred to the Konkuk
University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital with a urethral stricture
following the performance of a perineal urethrostomy. A surgical revision was
performed, but the stricture recurred.To
dilate the urethra, balloon dilation and bougienage were performed. No
clinical signs of urethral stricture and no complications were observed after
bougienage following 12 months.